Abbie Widing
Age ranges
Abbie is a registered dietitian who specializes in eating disorders, disordered eating, weight management, and behavioral health nutrition. Abbie has worked extensively with adults in the general population and Veterans. Abbie is passionate about helping others to improve their relationship with food, body image, weight, and health. Abbie enjoys helping others to experience positive changes in their mental and physical health through nutrition counseling and education.
Approach to Care
Abbie provides individualized care to meet your specific nutritional needs and focuses on a non-diet approach to treatment. Abbie's goal is to provide nutrition education and nutrition counseling in a supportive setting. Abbie uses a variety of treatment approaches such as motivational interviewing and cognitive-behavioral therapy and multiple learning tools such as hands-on activities, educational handouts, etc.
What to Expect
During your first session with Abbie you have time to share pertinent information about your background and history as it pertains to your goals of treatment. Abbie will ask you questions to get to know you as a person and you will be able to get to know Abbie at the same time. Abbie will discuss treatment session information and strategies for care. Abbie hopes to learn more about your nutrition goals in order to create a foundation for successful treatment.
Bachelors of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics with a minor in Psychology from Southern Illinois Univery. Dietetic internship from St. Louis VA Medical Center
When Abbie is home you will find her somewhere near food; whether it is in the kitchen baking, out in the garden tending to flowers and vegetables, or sitting on the couch with a food-themed mystery novel. When Abbie is not at home you can find her traveling to new destinations with friends and family or out in nature rock climbing.