
Are Potatoes Low FODMAP?

Author: Maria Seitz MS, RDN, LDN
Published: September 06, 2024

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If you’re reading this article, you’re probably wondering “Are potatoes low FODMAP?” especially if you’ve decided to follow this type of diet. Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about potatoes on this topic. So now let’s get to the point!

What is low FODMAP?

FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) are fermented short-chain carbohydrates that often cause gastrointestinal distress in people living with irritable bowel syndrome. They are difficult to digest and absorb, which can result in symptoms including gas, bloating, indigestion, and diarrhea. Symptoms are often alleviated by avoiding some or all FODMAPs. 

Are all potatoes low FODMAP?

Yes, all potatoes are low FODMAP, with the exception of sweet potato, which has moderate amounts of FODMAPs in amounts greater than  ½ cup. 

Are red potatoes low FODMAP?

Yes, red potatoes are low FODMAP. Red potatoes are often prepared boiled or steamed.

Are yellow potatoes low FODMAP?

Yes, yellow potatoes are low FODMAP. Yellow potatoes are frequently used in mashed potatoes due to their smooth texture, but they may also be roasted or baked. 

Are gold potatoes low FODMAP?

Yes, gold potatoes are low FODMAP. Because gold potatoes tend to hold their shape, they are a great addition to soups or in potato salad.

Are russet potatoes low FODMAP?

Yes, russet potatoes are low FODMAP. Russet potatoes are great for mashed potatoes or baking  due to their fluffy starchy content.

Are white potatoes low FODMAP?

Yes, white potatoes are low FODMAP. White potatoes are versatile and can be used in many ways.

Are sweet potatoes low FODMAP?

Yes, sweet potatoes are low FODMAP in small quantities. However, as the serving size increases, fodmap content increases. 

How much sweet potato is low FODMAP?

A small ½ cup serving of sweet potato is considered low FODMAP. Moderate amounts of the FODMAP mannitol are contained in servings greater than ½  cup of sweet potato. 

Are purple sweet potatoes low FODMAP?

Yes, purple sweet potatoes are low FODMAP in servings no greater than ½ cup. 

Cooking methods for potatoes and FODMAP content 

Does cooking impact FODMAP content?

No, cooking methods do not impact FODMAP content. However, some added ingredients, condiments, or seasonings used commonly with cooked potatoes may contain moderate to high amounts of them.

Are mashed potatoes low FODMAP?

Yes, mashed potatoes are low FODMAP. Mashed sweet potatoes may be low FODMAP in quantities up to ½ cup. Butter and salt may be used with mashed potatoes freely on this type of diet, but steer clear of common add-ins like garlic, onion powder, sour cream, or lactose-containing milk. 

Are roasted potatoes low FODMAP?

Yes, roasted potatoes are low FODMAP. Roasted sweet potatoes are low FODMAP in quantities up to ½ cup. Be mindful of seasonings like garlic and onion powder, garnishes such as chives, or condiments like ketchup which are high in FODMAPs. Instead, opt for seasonings such as salt and pepper with rosemary or parsley.  

Are boiled potatoes low FODMAP?

Yes, boiled potatoes are low FODMAP. Boiled sweet potatoes – only in quantities up to ½ cup. 

Are baked potatoes low FODMAP?

Yes, baked potatoes are low FODMAP. But baked sweet potatoes only in quantities up to ½ cup, which is equivalent to half of an average sized sweet-potato. Common toppings on sweet potato including sour cream, garlic, onion or chives, and cheese are high in FODMAPs.

Processed potatoes and FODMAP content 

Are potato chips low FODMAP?

Some potato chips are low FODMAP, but it depends on how they are seasoned. Potato chips seasoned with flavorings such as garlic, onion, or sour cream may be high of them, while plain salted potato chips are low of them. 

Are tater tots low FODMAP?

Most store-bought tater tots are not low FODMAP due to added ingredients like garlic and onion for flavor. Others may have wheat-containing ingredients that are higher in them. Before purchasing tater tots on this type of diet, it is important to check all of the ingredients. 

Is potato bread low FODMAP?

No, not all potato bread is low FODMAP. Content of potato bread may vary based on the bread’s ingredients. Some breads may contain high FODMAP ingredients such as wheat, milk, or various sweeteners. These ingredients may be tolerated in low to moderate amounts in some individuals. 

Is potato salad low FODMAP?

Potato salad can be low FODMAP depending on how it is prepared. Common potato salad ingredients like potatoes, mayonnaise, bacon, egg, mustard, and apple cider vinegar are all low in FODMAPs. Look out for ingredients like celery, onions, chives, or sour cream, as they may contain higher amounts of them.

Is potato starch low FODMAP?

Yes, potato starch can be used freely in a low FODMAP diet. 

Benefits of potatoes on a low FODMAP diet

There are many nutritional benefits to potatoes including their micronutrients such as B vitamins, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and zinc, to name a few. Potatoes are a great source of energy and fiber and can be included in a well-rounded low-FODMAP diet. Such type of diet can feel restrictive, but potato-lovers can relax knowing that with the exception of sweet potatoes, potatoes are low FODMAP in liberal amounts. 

Any type of diet is best implemented when working 1:1 with a registered dietitian who can help you navigate your unique tolerances and intolerances. You can start working on your unique diet with a registered dietitian today at Health Loft.

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